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Bearhug Defense

Featuring: Iona Sawyer and Nick Manuel

Click here for video clip of the bearhug defense!

Click on thumbnail picture to see full size picture!

Opponent reaches around your arms and grabs you in a bearhug.
Pull your hands back to your side and push your hips forward, creating a gap between you and your attacker.

Sharply thrust your seat back into your opponent's stomach as you shoot your hands straight out, breaking the hold.

Grab your opponent's wrist with your left hand as you extend your right arm...
...and thrust the tip of your elbow into his/her ribs.
Shift your hips back and down as you grab his/her shoulder. Pull his/her arm across your body, lift with the hips...
...and throw your opponent over your hip.
Finish with a strike or a submission hold.


Practice at your own risk!

    * Any techniques demonstrated on this site are for information purposes only. Although these techniques may be effective in a real defensive situation, there are NO techniques that are foolproof. Neither Chuck Norris Karate Studios or the author of this site make any claim that these techniques will achieve any particular result. These techniques may not be suitable for persons not in good physical condition. Before engaging in this or any other exercise program, consult a physician.

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This site and all graphics contained therein created by Robert Coble. Copyright © Robert Coble, 2001.